
Dr. Romero,

as a psychologist, i'm sure you're adamantly concerned about the welfare of the citizens of your state. in reading through my state's medicinal cannabis bulletin site, canorml.org, i have come across this bill, that has your name on it as the author.



why should i trust someone who is bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry to assess my safety? someone who believes in an industry that lusts to put kids on killpills, kids like eric harris, kip kinkel, and jeff weise. not familiar with those names?


school shootings and pharmatoxinpills, go together like alcohol and poverty. yet you take money from these pill companies to push their agenda. why?

i'm sure it's a pack of lies. just like the lie that your palm is greased by big pharma. right?


damn those bloggers, publishing information about how on the take 'elected officials' including you are.

so what did you do with that contribution money anyway? buy the wooden pulp paper to draft SB 797? trees take a lot longer to replenish as a renewable resource, when compared to the potential alternative of hemp. are you paid off by the timber industry as well?

if you really care about the people of your state, why is it you feel so compelled to find another way to tax them and potentially incarcerate them for a non-violent act?

are you too blinded by the 0's on the checks people write in your name to understand the impact of what you are proposing?

do you know anything about the history of cannabis in this nation?

do you know the history of cannabis on this continent?

do you know who william randolph hearst is? do you know what he has to do with the outlawing of hemp?

do you know who harry anslinger is? do you know what he has to do with the outlawing of cannabis? see link below

do you understand the fundamental difference between sensamilla and hemp? it doesn't take a botanist.

are you aware that between the years of 1919-1933 that alcohol was illegal in the united states?


can you see any parallels between prohibition and the current 'war on non-patented drugs'?

if so, why then are you further propagating this path of futility?

did you know that during wwII, the federal government started a 'hemp for victory' campaign, despite the product being technically illegal.

do you know how many people die every year from overmedication as a result of pharmapills?

would you be shocked to find out it's more than drunk driving fatalities and gun crime victims combined?

as a latina, you of all people should know that 'marijuana' is a made up word. a derivative of 'marihuana', just ethnicized to make ignorant white politicians [the only kind there were back then] in the 1930's pass dumbass laws post haste. laws banning a plant which up until that time, had been used for thousands of years by people throughout the world for medicinal purposes, including the aztecs, ancestors to the present day latinos who were brutalized by the spaniards, who also outlawed such things. yeah, i threw in the race card, because it was thrown in to get cannabis and hemp in america outlawed in the first place. you're supporting racism by writing this bill, by not knowing the history of your own people. how foolish and reckless is that?

why is it that i care about this issue so much? let me tell you. i have the following medical problems. insomnia, anxiety, and depression. the three regular medical doctors i went to using my company health insurance plan, the kind educated on pharma rhetoric in pharmapill dispensary medical 'school', decided that the following combination of drugs would be best for me and my problems:

an anti depressant pill, an anti anxiety pill, and a sleeping pill.

do you see any problem with that? i certainly do. that's not medicine. it's pill dispensing.

i decided to instead go another route, educated myself on the benefits of medical cannabis, and i have improved, so the symptoms aren't as acute. coupling the medical cannabis and 'talk therapy', i have worked out many of my depression problems, which has decreased my need for the cannabis. it helps me. what's so bad about that?

while an anecdotal story it may be, it's mine. and i'm not the only one.

it's estimated that 30 million americans imbibe in the cannabis. would you like to incarcerate all of us? your prison union buddies would like the extra 35-50k per inmate, per year.

please do the right thing and stop proposing useless laws like this. if you government types would stop appending laws and do some streamlining, the existing laws on the books might all get enforced. is that an unreasonable request to ask for?

i'm telling you right now, you can't stop the demand by california taxpayers for cannabis by making steeper fines or outright banning it. human psychology doesn't work like that, doctor. you of all people should know that. the effect from this ignorant myopic law will be increased crime, as the people most affected by the increase in the fines will be the same ones that can't afford to pay them. and when you don't pay the state sponsored extortion, you end up in the hands of your union buddies in the prison system. how does that increase public safety? how does that increase the tax base from which you draw your salary? it doesn't.

the worst outcomes often start with the best of intentions. think about that.

i'll be awaiting my canned 'thank you for sending me an email myself or one of my paid lackeys won't read' responses. in the meantime, i will still use this product you and the misinformed like you continue to demonize to heal myself in the ways that 'modern' medicine and their toxinpills just can't. put that in your bong and toke it. and have some quotes from other notable politicians.

Prohibition makes a crime out of things that are not crimes.
— Abraham Lincoln, 1840

You bet I did, and I enjoyed it
— Michael Bloomberg, current Mayor of New York City, when asked about cannabis use.

-tehrawr- [name substituted to protect the innocent, namely me]

a disgruntled disgusted california resident, thankfully not living in your gerrymandered district.


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