jaywalking. a very serious offence. at least in upscale southern california at 11:05pm on a monday.
where? i crossed the southbound and northbound lanes of where there was no marked crosswalk. there was only one vehicle on that stretch even remotely close to me, heading northbound on towards. it was a police chevrolet suburban. i know this because i read the words you so nicely put on the side of it. continuing east bound as i was en route to supermarket where i had the intent to buy food with united states currency in the cash form, i was interrupted by the same suburban i saw before. only this time it was faced right at me, with the headlights, and the teardrops on each side pointed in my direction. basically i couldn't see crap, so as i was wearing a hat, i looked down. i took off my hood and put my arms at my side in a standard rested position. up comes officer 1.
where am i coming from? my apartment complex.
which one? the one behind that, where i currently reside. it's called, for the record.
have i ever been arrested? [as my hands go behind back at the behest of officer grabbing them.] no sir, i have not.
i'm told i have baggy clothes and he doesn't know me. more than just cause. perhaps i'm a terrorist or a gang member.
and i jaywalked. at which time officer 2 chimes in about how i could be hit by a car. really? i guess he had to say something since i hadn't done anything to provoke them, fully complying with this instant incarceration.
have i ever been arrested? no. hands grabbed and placed behind back a second time. i already answered that once, as you can see, in the redundancy was he expecting a different outcome?
i'm thinking i am more likely to be struck by a drunk driver coming home smashed whilst standing at the crosswalk well out of the way in my point a to point b trek through the shopping center parking lot. in addition to the first lawbreak of jaywalking, my outright disrespect of the societal norms to not take the long away around on the sidewalk must have been my admittance of guilt. nevermind it's 11pm, and there are very few cars in the parking lot, let alone moving. as a matter of fact, at the time immediately preceding my instant incarceration, the only vehicle was the suburban of the police moving directly at me. which by far put me in the most potential risk of injury, moreso than the jaywalking. what if the brakes failed?
this is not the first time i have been dealt with by your department. the last time was several months ago as i was having a walk at the odd hour of 3 am on a saturday or sunday morning. apparently around that time on that morning, there was a stolen car found near by, they nailed the perp, who he said he was waiting for a friend. okay, that's plausible. i was in the vicinity at the time to possibly be this friend. but i wasn't, as i don't associate with car thieves or other nefarious jerks. in fact, i was on a break from playing world of warcraft after an instance run. after the routine pat down looking for anything bad, he found i had a lighter on me. the lighter bore the date 7-22-05. he proceeded to ask me what this date represented, so i told him. that was the day i was a groomsman in a close friend's wedding. at which point he returned the lighter to my possession. the officer and i then engaged in a pleasant conversation about the game in which he had some basic questions i was happy to answer. in this instance, i was never touched other than a routine pat down, or assumed guilty by having my arms grasped behind my back. i don't remember the officer's name, but he a was a nice gentleman and treated me like a human. we parted ways, after which time i completed the walk around the complex, went back and played some more WoW before going to bed at a time undetermined.
and unlike this time, i wasn't compelled to take time out of my day to write you like this. because i was treated innocent at first contact rather than guilty.
for the record my name is . i am a for , inc located at. and yes, i have NEVER been arrested before. my phone number, which your phone bank should already have since i called you around, but here it is anyway.
and my driver's license expires in. i don't carry it on me when i'm going to the store. hell, i don't even lock my door. probably because i don't plan on being interrupted in performing a simple task of grocery shopping.
i don't expect an apology, i just thought you might be interested in the different tactics employed in two anecdotal instances by your department's employees. those two officers in that suburban aren't doing anyone any favors, and that treatment is not appreciated by a law abiding citizen minus the occasional jaywalking, a petty non-violent victimless infraction. but still a crime nonetheless. but so is parking your motorbike up on the walkway next to a fire hydrant at by while your officer grabs lunch. but if you're willing to overlook my minor infractions, i won't remind you of yours. enforcing the law does not make you above it. just ask george jaramillo.
in the future, if you would like, i can arrange to notify your department of my planned intention to jaywalk going to the store late at night, so your officers can come and ask me some more questions repeatedly like i'm some moron thug or to give me a fine i will happily find time to fight, as i have plenty of vacation hours on my hands. yet i don't have any desire to make any more paperwork and procedural crap for you to deal with, because you have better things to do, as do i. i do wear baggy clothes outside of the work environs, because they are comfortable and i don't really like to spend money on new things when the old ones work just fine, such as outergarment type clothes. it was cold outside tonight, so i was double layered up. imagine that.
exercise, that's why i walked to the store in the first place, instead of getting in my shiny metal box like a good little citizen and burning up some petrol. what kind of mpg is that suburban getting anyhow? my guess is not very good.
about the only thing i can commend you for is getting that scumbag greg haidl and his ahole friends finally locked up for what he did. his father is complicit in illegal activities surrounding this case too, but that's for another jurisdiction. he belongs in handcuffs, not me. i just don't have the money to buy a badge. oh well.
an unedited version along with grocery receipt to be hand delivered sometime this week. i just need to take care of something beforehand.
where? i crossed the southbound and northbound lanes of where there was no marked crosswalk. there was only one vehicle on that stretch even remotely close to me, heading northbound on towards. it was a police chevrolet suburban. i know this because i read the words you so nicely put on the side of it. continuing east bound as i was en route to supermarket where i had the intent to buy food with united states currency in the cash form, i was interrupted by the same suburban i saw before. only this time it was faced right at me, with the headlights, and the teardrops on each side pointed in my direction. basically i couldn't see crap, so as i was wearing a hat, i looked down. i took off my hood and put my arms at my side in a standard rested position. up comes officer 1.
where am i coming from? my apartment complex.
which one? the one behind that, where i currently reside. it's called, for the record.
have i ever been arrested? [as my hands go behind back at the behest of officer grabbing them.] no sir, i have not.
i'm told i have baggy clothes and he doesn't know me. more than just cause. perhaps i'm a terrorist or a gang member.
and i jaywalked. at which time officer 2 chimes in about how i could be hit by a car. really? i guess he had to say something since i hadn't done anything to provoke them, fully complying with this instant incarceration.
have i ever been arrested? no. hands grabbed and placed behind back a second time. i already answered that once, as you can see, in the redundancy was he expecting a different outcome?
i'm thinking i am more likely to be struck by a drunk driver coming home smashed whilst standing at the crosswalk well out of the way in my point a to point b trek through the shopping center parking lot. in addition to the first lawbreak of jaywalking, my outright disrespect of the societal norms to not take the long away around on the sidewalk must have been my admittance of guilt. nevermind it's 11pm, and there are very few cars in the parking lot, let alone moving. as a matter of fact, at the time immediately preceding my instant incarceration, the only vehicle was the suburban of the police moving directly at me. which by far put me in the most potential risk of injury, moreso than the jaywalking. what if the brakes failed?
this is not the first time i have been dealt with by your department. the last time was several months ago as i was having a walk at the odd hour of 3 am on a saturday or sunday morning. apparently around that time on that morning, there was a stolen car found near by, they nailed the perp, who he said he was waiting for a friend. okay, that's plausible. i was in the vicinity at the time to possibly be this friend. but i wasn't, as i don't associate with car thieves or other nefarious jerks. in fact, i was on a break from playing world of warcraft after an instance run. after the routine pat down looking for anything bad, he found i had a lighter on me. the lighter bore the date 7-22-05. he proceeded to ask me what this date represented, so i told him. that was the day i was a groomsman in a close friend's wedding. at which point he returned the lighter to my possession. the officer and i then engaged in a pleasant conversation about the game in which he had some basic questions i was happy to answer. in this instance, i was never touched other than a routine pat down, or assumed guilty by having my arms grasped behind my back. i don't remember the officer's name, but he a was a nice gentleman and treated me like a human. we parted ways, after which time i completed the walk around the complex, went back and played some more WoW before going to bed at a time undetermined.
and unlike this time, i wasn't compelled to take time out of my day to write you like this. because i was treated innocent at first contact rather than guilty.
for the record my name is . i am a for , inc located at. and yes, i have NEVER been arrested before. my phone number, which your phone bank should already have since i called you around, but here it is anyway.
and my driver's license expires in. i don't carry it on me when i'm going to the store. hell, i don't even lock my door. probably because i don't plan on being interrupted in performing a simple task of grocery shopping.
i don't expect an apology, i just thought you might be interested in the different tactics employed in two anecdotal instances by your department's employees. those two officers in that suburban aren't doing anyone any favors, and that treatment is not appreciated by a law abiding citizen minus the occasional jaywalking, a petty non-violent victimless infraction. but still a crime nonetheless. but so is parking your motorbike up on the walkway next to a fire hydrant at by while your officer grabs lunch. but if you're willing to overlook my minor infractions, i won't remind you of yours. enforcing the law does not make you above it. just ask george jaramillo.
in the future, if you would like, i can arrange to notify your department of my planned intention to jaywalk going to the store late at night, so your officers can come and ask me some more questions repeatedly like i'm some moron thug or to give me a fine i will happily find time to fight, as i have plenty of vacation hours on my hands. yet i don't have any desire to make any more paperwork and procedural crap for you to deal with, because you have better things to do, as do i. i do wear baggy clothes outside of the work environs, because they are comfortable and i don't really like to spend money on new things when the old ones work just fine, such as outergarment type clothes. it was cold outside tonight, so i was double layered up. imagine that.
exercise, that's why i walked to the store in the first place, instead of getting in my shiny metal box like a good little citizen and burning up some petrol. what kind of mpg is that suburban getting anyhow? my guess is not very good.
about the only thing i can commend you for is getting that scumbag greg haidl and his ahole friends finally locked up for what he did. his father is complicit in illegal activities surrounding this case too, but that's for another jurisdiction. he belongs in handcuffs, not me. i just don't have the money to buy a badge. oh well.
an unedited version along with grocery receipt to be hand delivered sometime this week. i just need to take care of something beforehand.
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