

quotes from that piece of human waste kofi annan. someone ought to have the urge to ship him back to ghana, because he is a weak leader and represents a weak spirit among internationally defined nations. condemning, urging, and hoping gets nothing done. how about controlling the birthrate in your own country please?^

^sourced from http://www.globalgeografia.com/world/birth_rate.gif look at europe vs. the middle east in terms of rate. note pakistan and afghanistan as well. would moveon.org PAC people know what to make of this information? maybe try http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/xx.html
for more information. that's our bad evil american federal government at work providing a free resource to learn about decently recent and somewhat accurate historical and cultural information. i think it is great they offer such a tool, if only more children knew about this kind of information. maybe the anti-war types would think it's a trick, and the data is all lies, because it was compiled when bush was in office. and their kids and anyone else's should never be subjected to such terrible lies about other countries. what might an intelligence agency do? why are they bothering to distribute data mined from other nations? what purpose would that serve? i look at it as a 'value-add', to quote a lame marketing buzzword, to the money allocated to this agency. you may not. think they should take the site down and spend more money on the schools and the children where it matters most? which really equates to the school administrators getting more public bread to horde while the schools don't get fixed. this is not a federal issue, it's a community or lack thereof issue. if you're utilizing the education for yourself or a family member, maybe you would like to know a little more about who's running the show at your school and the 'district'. that's not my job to inform you, inform yourself.

http://www.idu.net/ca/polls.html [while you're there, look at the root of the site http://idu.net/ca/ ]

wtf? iraqis having free elections on the local level already, and hardline fundamentalists not being voted in? where on moveon.org do you hear about this. bush doesn't even mention it, too busy worrying about denying rights to people with an unconstitutional amendment. if in my previous rants you think i am ultra pro-bush, well not so much. but in comparison to john kerry, i would prefer the texan. mainly for the views and actions taken to deal with the same asshole fundamentalist mental giants europe has been blissfully ignoring for 50+ years.

the john kerry plan as i see it:

- plead with the UN for assistance in iraq, because americans who voluntarily [as in weren't forced] joined the military forces and were sent off to fight, and some of them died, and that's bad and it has to stop.

you mean to tell me it's not just a way to get free room and board, free travel, a mostly free ride for college and you get to play with real working helicopters and tanks and planes and guns and stuff on the taxpayer's nickel? you actually might have bullets flying at your head from someone trying to kill you. yes, because it's the military, and when not playing war, militaries fight them. only this is guerilla warfare where the enemy is amongst the populous in anonymity. it seems to me that our societal perception is that we are the most ethical, never-do-wrong nation, has caused any iraqi civilian casualties to be instantly the american coalition military's fault, and they are bad and evil for killing innocent iraqis. nevermind the allah jihad scum rushing in from all sides [except kuwait, as it would be] killing and raping and burning and pillaging iraqi nationals. it's the 'well they never would have got attacked if we weren't there' argument. if you want to see some examples of life before america's presence in iraq, one need look no further than

http://www.iraqinews.com/specials.shtml - disclaimer: this is 'graphic', better not show your perfect little pukes.

- create job growth with protectionist trade.

seemingly a good idea, except it would end in the result of the world's largest retailer filing bankruptcy domestically, and relocating to the 'we don't give a care about human rights, pay us money please' bahamas. also if we ask the UN to take over, we would have to make concessions, which would mean breaking down the protectionist tariffs, the same ones he stands for. it is my belief that this would be the way this played out. see quote below from his website:

"Over 2.7 million manufacturing jobs have been lost since President Bush took office. John Kerry will save jobs by ending the unpatriotic practice of U.S. corporations moving offshore simply to avoid paying their fair share of our nation’s tax burden. To create new manufacturing jobs Kerry will provide new tax breaks to manufacturers who produce goods and create jobs in the United States. He will provide relief for manufacturers that provide quality health care and retirement. John Kerry will strongly enforce trade laws to assure that American industries are on a level playing field with our trading partners. To guarantee that American manufacturing will be strong in the future, John Kerry will invest in research and development, give tax incentives to help industries upgrade, and work to assure a highly qualified workforce"

level playing field? and this guy calls bush out of touch? the middle class suburban 3 kid family is no match for the 9 year old in singapore or the philippines. and don't forget the political dissidents and slave labor in china. enforce the laws all you want, and watch america dry up. or how about this. stop selling our land to non-citizens. america is the world's free enterprise zone, we just happen to live here. it's a great place, but less of it is in the interests who live here now more than any time in history. if you wanted to start a protectionism campaign, buy america back from the world, i would like to see that happen. and especially stop selling land to the damn saudis to build their saudi sponsored 'schools' to teach the american muslim youth; a message similar to the teachings of their hometown 'banished' boy, osama bin laden. yeah bush is friends with the family, ever think as to why? they have something we fiend for, and we want it. let's all complain about gas prices even more. time to trade in the h2, selfish [insert something offensive here], because pretty soon it is going to cost you your vacation. and you will be outraged and want something done about it, now!

the dimwits in this country don't get it. it's skull and bones for president. it's a yale graduate for president. it's a corrupt man with more money than you'll ever have for president. one in the same, bush and kerry. these so called issues and priorities are total and complete nonsense.

how about this...

rework the american government so it's like the USA Today newspaper. mainstream, simple, and at the third grade level so the degenerates called 'voters' can take part in the process of government, rather than leave it up to the elected 'officials'. stop with the fancy word mongering, proving you have a large lexicon. we don't care. these dimwit mostly rich folk we call representatives and senators are shoved down our throats because they litter the land with little flags and signs stapled to power poles from time to time. or the ones who really like to flaunt their wealth spend for teevee commercials and pr stunt events with a press army in tow.

they aren't all to blame however. with the PAC sponsored filibusters and the 40,000 page bills, this system of legislature has gotten out of hand. too much handwringing and fence sitting, not enough action. this is putting both houses on blast, and telling them, you suck at making decisions for your constituents, please get out of politics now. put the ideas down in plain common american english, like the USA Today, so 'we the people' can see what it is that really goes on in this government, voted 'by the people, for the people'. since a disproportional number of these reps come from 1 semi-well-maybe-non-political field, let's look at that another time. that being the legal profession and all the mumbo jumbo [insert word for male bovine excrement here] they do.
