yes, four dollars and thirty cents an hour. that is how much the evil stores are willing to cap the medical benefits at for every employee, every hour.
i worked my benefits out, and it's about $1.75 an hour. and this is a company that has excellent, as in > 'competitive'.
the grocery stores will go under unless they cap this expense. accurate financials are just that.
and this working without a contract thing, this is nothing new. it happens everyday, for the still largest but ever shrinking sector of the populous, the small businesses. oh, but they don't complain about it, they just handle, some more successfully than others.
if rational and solution oriented thinking was used, this could be solved. but that would require this thing called honesty among the participants. it's much easier to sensationalize this story on the tv by pointing fingers. it gives cause to speak to others about a trivial problem. if one were to ever listen to what other people are talking about, as in 'shut the hole under your nose', they might find that this 'heartbeat' of this america is blathering on about what they saw on the teevee. or even better, movies. all so important.
back to the strike crap, i went into a store unions have decided to start 'selectively' picketing. but lucky for me there wasn't some lunk carrying a plank with a paper sign there. the store was very dimly lit, maybe not to attract attention. the lines were not too long, but i couldn't just walk up to the checker looking bored. so it was nice, the checker was friendly and i went on my merry way. real exciting and newsworthy, no? but that's just it. life goes on with or without the strikers. the general collective just wants food. and will get that food, regardless of some benefits the employees may or may not be getting. deal with it.
and did i mention Wal-Mart? quite a brilliant racket they got going on. thank them for the return of those americans shot down in that spy plane over china a couple of years back. just in case you weren't aware, look at what is made in the USA in Wal-Mart. then compare that to an item made in china[ese prison camp]. hmm... it's all lies of course. look at shanghai, never mind those people over there /points to gansu province.