

New super strain of coca plant stuns anti-drug officials


DRUG traffickers have created a new strain of coca plant that yields up to four times more cocaine than existing plants and promises to revolutionise Colombia’s drugs industry.

The new variety of coca, the raw material for cocaine, was found in an anti-drug operation on the Caribbean coast, on the mountainsides of the Sierra Nevada, long known as a drug-growing region.

Samples of the plant were sent for laboratory analysis and experts then pronounced drugs traffickers had developed a new breed.

"This is a very tall plant," said Colonel Diego Leon Caicedo of the anti-narcotics police. "It has a lot more leaves and a lighter colour than other varieties."

A toxicologist, Camilo Uribe, who studied the coca, said: "The quality and percentage of hydrochloride from each leaf is much better, between 97 and 98 per cent. A normal plant does not get more than 25 per cent, meaning that more drugs and of a higher purity can be extracted."

Experts estimate that the drugs traffickers spent £60 million to develop the new plant, using strains from Peru and crossbreeding them with potent Colombian varieties, as well as engaging in genetic engineering.

The resulting plant has also been bred to resist the gliphosate chemicals developed in the US that are sprayed on drugs crops across Colombia.

While traditional coca plants are dark green and grow to some 5ft, the new strain grows to more than 12ft.

"What we found were not bushes but trees," Col Caicedo said.

Such an investment by drugs traffickers is small compared to the earnings from what is the most lucrative business on earth. Traffickers can produce a kilogram of cocaine for less than £1,500. That kilogram will sell in Miami for £14,000, in London for £34,000 and in Tokyo would bring £50,000.

The discovery threatens to undermine the successes the US-funded crop eradication programme has enjoyed.

Over the last two years, thanks to an unprecedented aerial eradication campaign, Colombian authorities have sprayed hundreds of thousands of hectares of drug crops, reducing narcotics cultivation by more than a third.

Two years ago Colombia produced an estimated 800 tonnes of cocaine a year. That figure is believed to have dropped below 600 tonnes.

On Monday, Mexican authorities signalled a major blow for the drugs-smuggling gangs when they announced the arrest of the man thought to be a leader of a crime organisation responsible for nearly half the cocaine and marijuana entering the United States.

The US had offered a $2 million (£1.1 million) reward for Gilberto Higuera Guerrero’s capture.

However, such success could be immediately wiped out if the potent new coca strain spreads across Colombia.

In the southern province of Putumayo, once the coca capital of Colombia, drug farmers have changed the way they sow crops in the face of repeated aerial fumigations.

"We know the spray planes need a target area of three hectares," said Sebastian Umaya, standing in the middle of a tiny field of coca. "Now we just have smaller fields, but with more intensive farming of the coca bushes."

Should the new strain be introduced, these smaller fields could yield up to four times more drugs and be immune to aerial eradication, meaning anti-narcotic police would have to eradicate them manually, an impossible task in the southern jungle provinces controlled by Marxist rebels.

The introduction of the new coca strain could undermine the efforts of the Oxford-educated president Alvaro Uribe to win the 40-year civil conflict.

By destroying drugs crops, the president was hoping to weaken the warring factions, both Marxist guerrillas and right-wing paramilitaries, who between them earn more than £500 million a year from drugs.

The US, the primary destination for Colombian drugs, finances the war effort with £400 million a year and has hailed reduction in drug crops as evidence that its war on drugs is finally bearing fruit.


i so loathe when someone with skills and genuine talent gets blatantly ripped off. comedy central has this new show, crossballs, which is a total lift of the phil hendrie show. my comments submitted to the IMDB listing for this show are shown below. i doubt they will publish it, because i use URL, which is against their policy or whatever. stand up for real talent, and don't watch this flaming pile of fecal matter they made.

tehrawr (tehrawr@gmail.com)
a cubicle in corporate land

Date: 25 August 2004

Summary: Tagline: What seems [original]... isn't. prior art in production already

in radio land, there is this guy, Phil Hendrie, perhaps you have heard of him?



he's got a radio show some 14 years in the can, and here come these teevee execs with this ripoff of his idea. not only was it a bad idea to lift another show format, but to implement in such a fashion is even more terrible.

shame on Dennis Rosenblatt for being so unoriginal as to produce this stolen idea and take the credit.

Writing credits (in alphabetical order):

Matt Besser writer, Mary Birdsong writer, Chad Carter writer, Andrew Daly writer, Dannah Feinglass writer, Chris Gethard writer, Brian Huskey writer, Laura Krafft writer, Jerry Minor writer, Dylan Morgan senior writer, Dylan Morgan writer, Seth Morris writer, Joe O'Brien writer, Paul Scheer writer, Josh Siegal head writer, Charlie Siskel co-creator, Charlie Siskel writer,

every last one of them is a puppet and a plagiarist. this show should be pulled from the air for being a musty turd.

however, as the juggernaut that is the holy institution of television, and how the undereducated bow before its mighty glowing box, this will pass without any real action taken. no apologies given, no credit mentioned, no money passing hands to the deserving.

it's a shame when some no-talent execs come along and rip off a good thing and don't respect the format. shame on comedy central and anyone affiliated with this show.

dave chappelle is the best thing that has ever crossed your network, outside of trey parker and matt stone. i so remember now why i stopped watching the glowy box. it's lack of creativity.

get the real deal. http://www.philhendrieshow.com


and for good measure, here is my response sent on the lame form Crap Central has to send feedback.

As an enjoyer of Mr. Hendrie and his genuine talent that is The Phil Hendrie Show, i get a little upset when a group of tv executives get together and decide to lift his original idea without giving the originator one gram of recognition or one pence of royalty. this is my feedback.

I am planning on using my word-of-mouth abilities to rally against your show whenever it is brought up near me. you've also been panned on my blog. congratulations.

if you're going to lift something next time, try asking. and way to go on getting a guy who remade Howdy freaking Doody in 1987 to oversee this whole thing.

you all should be sent to hell on a shutter for this. good day.


ps: dave chappelle, trey parker, and matt stone are the only things on your network worth a damn.

i haven't had tv service for over 6 months now. i don't miss it at all, if this is the best of what's funny on the dumb box.

this is how i feel at this moment in time:

you watch your reactive tv, i'll get more intelligent with my proactive internet.
you sit on the couch, i'll go outside and exercise
you drink your grain water, i'll smoke my plant.
suck down that soda, i'll take my artesian water.

i'm not saying i'm better than you, as i am the criminal. so that makes lazy teevee watching, couch sitting, soda and grain water drinking slobs better people than me. could that only be because they are much easier controlled? i think so.

enough for now, there is a world that needs some tending to.


for all the money we as americans spend on ONDCP ad campaigns against cannabis, the emphasis on this over alcohol is absurd. their slogan should really be:

"1930's-style propaganda - the anti-drug"

the prevalent attitude of expecting the alcohol industry to police itself is working out great.
at least there is an industry, not a black market forced by irrational policy. drunk driving is hardly a social problem. there are absolutely no significant losses from it. MADD and the federal government must be lying. or are they?

source of information below

Impaired Driving by Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

In 2000, United States drivers with:

· BACs of .10 and above were involved in an estimated 2,058,400 crashes that killed 12,892 and injured 448,630

· BACs between .08-.09 were involved in an estimated 35,410 crashes that killed 1,097 and injured 20,150

· Positive BACs below .08 were involved in an estimated 69,400 crashes that killed 2,664 and injured 43,730

16653 people died in year 2000 from alcohol related crashes.

512510 were injured in alcohol related crashes


Alcohol is a factor in 26% of the United States’ crash costs. Alcohol-related crashes in the United States cost the public an estimated $114.3 billion in 2000, including $51.1 billion in monetary costs and an estimated $63.2 billion in quality of life losses. (For definitions of the cost categories, see the definitions fact sheet.) Alcohol-related crashes are deadlier and more serious than other crashes. People other than the drinking driver paid $71.6 billion of the alcohol-related crash bill.

Costs per Alcohol-Related Injury

The average alcohol-related fatality in the United States costs $3.5 million:

· $1.1 million in monetary costs

· $2.4 million in quality of life losses

The estimated cost per injured survivor of an alcohol-related crash averaged $99,000:

· $49,000 in monetary costs

· $50,000 in quality of life losses

Impact on Auto Insurance Rates

Alcohol-related crashes accounted for an estimated 18% of the $103 billion in U.S. auto insurance payments. Reducing alcohol-related crashes by 10% would save $1.8 billion in claims payments and loss adjustment expenses.

so maybe there are some costs involved with all this drunk driving. now how many people die in car crashes total?

source of information below

Total Traffic Fatality vs. Alcohol Related Traffic Fatality

Calendar Year Total Killed in
Alcohol Related Crashes
Total Killed in
All Traffic Crashes
Number Percent Number Percent
1982 26,173 60% 43,945 100.0%
1983 24,635 58% 42,589 100.0%
1984 24,762 56% 44,257 100.0%
1985 23,167 53% 43,825 100.0%
1986 25,017 54% 46,087 100.0%
1987 24,094 52% 46,390 100.0%
1988 23,833 51% 47,087 100.0%
1989 22,424 49% 45,582 100.0%
1990 22,587 51% 44,599 100.0%
1991 20,159 49% 41,508 100.0%
1992 18,290 47% 39,250 100.0%
1993 17,908 45% 40,150 100.0%
1994 17,308 43% 40,716 100.0%
1995 17,732 42% 41,817 100.0%
1996 17,749 42% 42,065 100.0%
1997 16,711 40% 42,013 100.0%
1998 16,673 40% 41,501 100.0%
1999 16,572 40% 41,717 100.0%
2000 17,380 41% 41,945 100.0%
2001 17,400 41% 42,196 100.0%
2002 17,524 41% 43,005 100.0%
2003** 17,013 40% 42,643 100.0%

*Source - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration FARS data
** as of August 10, 2004

compare this information to the industry sponsored information site alcoholstats.com.

The Department of Transportation reports that drunk-driving fatalities have fallen by more than a third. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 82 percent of adolescents ages 12-17 do not drink. A national collegiate survey shows that nearly three-quarters of college students drink moderately, infrequently, or not at all.

notice the failure to disclose years, rather vaguely note a trend. 18% percent of 12-17 year olds use alcohol? that's almost one in five, how terrible. and are they using it 'responsibly'? in europe, the youth are brought up with an understanding of the effects of alcohol and it is an accepted part of the dining experience. it is not uncommon to see a 12-17 year old with a small glass of wine with their meal. in america, this is child endangerment/abuse, and the authorities will come and break up your family and put you in jail. that i disagree with. if education is the key to prevention, is not shared experimentation and parental reinforcement education? that would actually take proactive parents to turn off the glowing box and talk to their children. all the 'drink responsibly' reinforcement on the tv and on billboards is nice, but obviously ineffective. possibly due to the heavy marketing of so-called beautiful active people shown in appealing life scenarios, all including alcohol on the same glowing box. it doesn't matter how far from schools you put the billboards, when they are plastered all around the sports arenas and shown in ads during these events on television. surely children watch sporting events, right? and then finish it off with the statement that only one in four college students have a problem with alcohol. yet do so in such a way to 'spin' it that three in four college students do not have a problem. genius. i bow down to your social engineering skills.

These signs of progress are the result of the work of many Americans, from parents and teachers to law enforcement, from health-care workers to community leaders, from brewers to wholesalers and retailers. Responsibility Matters.

is that so? i see the progress that your products are killing less people, but i am not impressed. teachers are doing what? telling kids 'drugs are bad, m'kay, and alcohol too'. law enforcement? oh right, the ones that have to clean up the bloody stains from yet another drunk driver fatality. health-care workers? for admitting and treating the living from the drunkard caused carnage. community leaders? for making tougher laws and passing out marketing swag that do not make a real impact. brewers? now that's a real stretch. sellers? they do plenty... of selling alcohol to the drunk drivers! marketing slogans matter.

This website was created to highlight research and statistics regarding alcohol abuse and responsible consumption, and much of the information provided comes from independent government and university research. Just click on one of the channels at left to review information.

channel listing below.

underage drinking
drunk driving
college issues
responsible drinking
alcohol advertising
state information

click on them on your own. is it possible that these will only show declines in usage? methinks so.

now, why is it then that MADD is reporting something else?

MADD Responds to Release of Updated NHTSA Traffic Death Statistics With Specific Call to Action

July 17, 2003

Misty Moyse, 469-420-4558
Tresa Coe Hardt, 469-420-4545

Statement For Attribution to Wendy J. Hamilton, National President, Mothers Against Drunk Driving

The final traffic fatality research released today by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration brings good and bad news. The good news is that last year alcohol-related traffic deaths were lower than previously estimated. The bad news, however, is that 17,419 people died in preventable tragedies accounting for 41 percent of total traffic fatalities. This makes three years in a row that alcohol-related traffic fatalities have increased - a sad chapter in U.S. history.

three years in a row of increases. is this a trend as well?

We cannot overlook an epidemic of alcohol-related deaths, equivalent to two 757 passenger jets crashing each week for an entire year. Today alone, an estimated 48 people in the U.S. will senselessly die - and not because of terrorists attacks or terminal illness; the culprit is alcohol-impaired driving. Each year half a million other people are injured in alcohol-related crashes.

at least they call it an epidemic, not a problem. using the airplane equivalent is nice too. ~48 people per day killed by the alcohol industry in automobiles. some problem.

While personal responsibility is an important factor, research shows that the most effective deterrents to drunk driving are implemented by legislators and carried out through law enforcement and our judicial system. The passage and enforcement of lower illegal drunk driving limits to .08 percent blood alcohol concentration and other important laws no doubt contributed to the recent progress but there is still much work to be done to rid our roadways of drunk drivers.

this is where the whole motherly nanny state part of this is brought into play. fact - it is absolutely impossible to legislate the bad out of people. why is it that Prohibition [1919-1933] is continually forgotten? the judicial system? to what, allow lawyers to profit off the fallout of alcohol-induced carnage? personal responsibility is the only factor. i will not accept this default brush-off to the courts to solve problems, as they do not cause the problem. the companies that make the alcohol that the stores sell to the person who drinks and drives do.

Congress now has a historic opportunity to draft a lifesaving roadmap for the nation with the reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (TEA-21), a multi-year, multi-billion dollar highway funding bill. Related newly-introduced legislation backed by MADD would create stricter penalties for repeat offenders and other higher-risk drunk drivers (SB 1141 and HB 2681) and establish more funds for much-needed sobriety checkpoints and other DUI crackdowns (Senate Bill 1139). Now is the time for action and MADD will be working to ensure that drunk driving victims and survivors’ voices are heard.

here we go once again with the legislation. just lock em' all up, that will make the problem go away. nice try. stricter penalties? how about death. or a good beating. adding checkpoints, not a bad idea to increase the number of arrests. it just furthers the need to house people in the disorganized bureaucratic corrupt prison and county jail systems. and if more people are added to the growing number already, that means more facilities will have to be built. and that costs money. next local and state governments will need money to build these structures, so measures to float bonds will be proposed and passed. then federal matching funds will be requested, which once again, is money that isn't there, thus increasing the growing national debt. so now there are more jails and prisons, more inmates, more strongarm tactic unionized guards, and less money for healthcare and subsidizing petroleum prices. did i forget education? no more money for that either.

so, in this one person's opinion, the simple answer is to stop the system. the more legislation there is, the more the system gets fed. the time is now for less legislation and more personal responsibility. this is way off the topic of alcohol, but as i believe i have illustrated, alcohol is quite a contributor to the system causing the slow and eventual collapse of this nations financial viability.

the ACLU is another contributor to the system, though i find some of their actions are reasonable and rational. suing over crosses on city insignia? frivolous. where is the case against st. augustine, florida, the oldest european settlement in the united states? it's the one with the big cross in the middle. and it's named after a catholic saint guy. go ahead. clog the courts with more suits of this caliber of lunacy. feed the system.

to the alcohol industry and their proponents of death, i question your proactiveness in taking responsibility for a problem caused by your customers on the human race. if tobacco companies and asbestos manufacturers can be taken to task and sued for the effects of their products, why is it then that no senate subcommittee hearings are held to question the CEO's of major alcohol entities? what's up with that?


al jazeera nothing.

kudos to iyad alawi and ilk for shutting the terrorist mouthpiece out of baghdad for one month. and someone please tell me how a television network became blessed by allah and muhammad themselves to deserve the 'al' in front of jazeera. i call credibility gap! and nevermind their satellite broadcast location from Qatar, the safest middle eastern state, maybe due to the BIG ASS AMERICAN MILITARY BASE and US CENTCOM that country houses, hmm? leave it to some creative 'newspeople' to on one hand encourage the slaughter of americans via videotape, then hide in the comfort of fortress Doha. why am i supposed to give these people one shread of legitimacy again?

special shout out to the other network of hijacked bastardized faith 'al' arabiya. 24 hours of pro-terror rhetoric, [news, if you would like to call it that] 'by arabs for arabs'. didn't uday 'hi, i'm a rapist murdering now thankfully dead' hussein run some propaganda crap like this creating essentially the hussein youth? nothing says quality programming like rehashing the acts of scumbag insurgents and nare do well mercenaries, not to mention the wonderlust these vultures have for homicide bombings. why just look at their homepage.

useless comments inserted by me. of course the world isn't a nice soft fluffy place and this stuff happens. i'm just saying does the planet need a 24-hour satellite feed of carnage feeding on itself for these networks and reporters to exploit for personal gain? i'm sure there are plenty of companies advertising on this garbage network. are these companies of people passively injecting money into the further brainwashing of the arab masses by violence? much like the product placement millions thrown around in 'big hollywood blockbusters'. americans are no different. violence is okay, so long as it's done by us against us.

fact: still today, more americans kill americans than non-americans [combined] kill americans.

what part of this doesn't america get? there is no reason to self-hate, but high and mighty on the moral pyramid this nation is not. america is not god's country, and if it were, we sure don't treat it as such. americans are not doing god's work in this war on terror. usama says the same thing, he's doing god's work. and there are a lot of people that believe him too, even ones not yet forming up 'resistance'.

so what is my solution? continue to stop militant religious fanatics, including american ones. and don't elect them into the white house. as i see it, bush is a born-again dangerously reverent man, and kerry is a kinda-sorta catholic, neither of which bode well for the fans of a truly constitutional republic, not a biblical one. then there is my choice:

mccain-lieberman 2004. screw partisan politics, elect real leaders.

and unlike nader, this won't need signatures. because it's a pointless cause to want real change when the masses are fooled into thinking there is no alternative to the official 'ABB' candidumbass, JFKv2.0. doesn't anyone remember how much LBJ sucked? if kerry gets whacked, that means edwards runs the show. how about no. cheney? well he could be president, but not of a nation i would want to live in. stick with the private sector there, mr. pacemaker. it's not nice to knock a man's failing heart i know. placing such a person in a stressful and high tension environment is also not a nice thing to do. please go back to wyoming and enjoy some fly fishing out on your ranch. you have all the money you need, washington can survive without you, until the time comes to move it to denver, barring any eruption of yellowstone killing off 85% of the population.


Couple kicked off Miami-New York flight because of T-shirt

MIAMI — A couple returning home from a Costa Rican vacation was ejected from an American Airlines flight because the man was wearing a T-shirt depicting a bare breast.

Oscar Arela and his girlfriend, Tala Tow, were removed from Flight 952 on Saturday after he refused to change the shirt or turn it inside out at Miami International Airport. The flight left 90 minutes late without them.

The couple, making a connecting flight from Costa Rica, said nobody on the earlier flight objected to the shirt and claimed the airline violated their constitutional right to free speech.

"It's a picture of a man and woman, and the woman's breast is showing," Tow said. "The flight attendant basically walked up to us and yelled, 'You have to take off that shirt right now.'"

American spokesman Tim Wagner said Sunday that crew members acted properly.

"The description I heard was a picture of a graphic of a naked man and woman performing a sexual act," he said. "We as an airline are in the service business, and we have the same latitude as a restaurant that says proper attire is required."

Tow said four Miami-Dade police officers and three federal security agents escorted her and Arela off the flight. She said the T-shirt image was reproduced from a Venezuelan record label.

Wagner said the couple could legally be barred from the flight even though they committed no crime. The airline gave them a refund. He did not know if they booked another flight.

"I'd like to figure out how a T-shirt that offends one member of the crew somehow impacts the safety of the flight or the ability of the flight to continue to New York," said Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida. "If they want to permit this kind of action by flight attendants, then they better have a clear policy that is announced in advance and made known to passengers in advance."

Wagner noted on American's Web site the policy clearly states that someone who is "clothed in a manner that would cause discomfort or offense to other passengers" can be removed from a flight.

August 1, 2004 - 1:49 p.m.

Copyright 2004, The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP Online news report may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

is this the war on terror? i agree with howard simon from the aclu. the shirt did not say any of the following:

I am a homicide bomber

I like terrorism

God is great

so, the airline employees become nanny police, causing the unneeded and unwarranted use of government resources [four Miami-Dade police officers and three federal security agents] to enforce a baseless and shallow corporate policy.

leave it to a spokeshole to say something stupid regarding the incident.
American spokesman Tim Wagner said Sunday that crew members acted properly.

"The description I heard was a picture of a graphic of a naked man and woman performing a sexual act," he said. "We as an airline are in the service business, and we have the same latitude as a restaurant that says proper attire is required
oh, a sexual act you say? that is just terrible. if a child were to see that, what lifelong emotional damage would it cause? we just can not let this obscene and lewd shirt to be worn at the airport.

in america, there is this thing called freedom. this behavior by the airline and the law enforcement personnel is outlandish and offensive, and if not illegal, should be. the current sentiment among some is the world has to stop whenever they have a gripe. gripes clog court systems, and do nothing more than make lawyers wealthy. i'm guessing there is a lawsuit coming out of this. it will not go to court and will be settled with a twenty thousand dollar cash payment and one million aadvantage(tm) miles. because it's cheaper for the airline to shut the guy up, than pay the lawyers to defend the actions of their imbecile of a gate worker.

and what is with that service business excuse. having the same latitude as restaurants in requiring a dress code to fly? what's that about? the airline industry is in place to do one thing and one thing only, to deliver paying ticketed passengers from departing city to the destination airport. that's it. looking for suspicious activity in the airport near the gate? sure, they can do that. causing flights to be 45 minutes off schedule for an objectionable shirt? unacceptable. this moral mongering airline employee should be banished from the airport. however, this will not happen. there are the unions to deal with, who insist on keeping all due-paying members, regardless of their level of competency or behavioral oversights.

this has to stop. national security is significantly more urgent and critical than worrying about such petty woes over poor choice in tasteful clothing. and shame on american airlines for hiring such a hardline puritan drama queen as a representative for their upstanding company.
Wagner noted on American's Web site the policy clearly states that someone who is "clothed in a manner that would cause discomfort or offense to other passengers" can be removed from a flight.
well that is a nice reference to the cover your a, all powerful and completely subjective policy. so the bill of rights only applies on terra firma, is that it? i say to hell with you and your policy. keep the ones for no guns and bombs. the only people who should have guns at the airport are soldiers, and law enforcement. no member of the TSA should carry a weapon, unless they have the proper military clearance to do so. in which case, they should not be working for the TSA to begin with.
The couple, making a connecting flight from Costa Rica, said nobody on the earlier flight objected to the shirt and claimed the airline violated their constitutional right to free speech.
so there you have it. no passengers (customers) indicated to airline personnel any discomfort or offense to the man's shirt.