
honorable representative pelosi,

in reading your press release in regards to the healthcare reform
bill, i see that this is nothing more than a democrat/republican issue
to you. as a person of neither of these affiliated parties, i'm
telling you you're dead wrong. let me lay it out for you.

"One of the great things about this country is that hospitals provide
care for anyone who walks through their doors. This legislation
fundamentally changes that by turning health care providers into
immigration enforcement officers."

while the hospitals do provide care for anyone who walks through the
door, there is the matter of money. you see, in the ugly brutal real
world, citizens in working professions expect money for services
performed. this is called commerce. perhaps you have heard of it?
it is going on as i type this.

now, if a person were to go to the hospital and not have said money to
pay for services, should they get treated anyways? a bleeding heart
compassionate human like yourself, you would say, OF COURSE! this is
regardless of the financial impact placed upon the citizens and
taxpayers of the state you represent. you don't seem to care that not
only do californians have to pay for their own health needs, now you
feel it is mandatory that we pay into a fund to provide care for those
who shouldn't be here and can't provide for themselves. this is
called socialism. this model is in use in places like canada and
france, which i might add, don't have the massive illegal immigration
numbers that california does. but that apparently doesn't matter to
you. if it's good enough for canada and france, then it's good enough
for you and those who vote you in, non?

this proposed legislation would not turn doctors and nurses into ICE
agents. that is a lie. why are you lying? in the process of getting
information about a patient, citizenship should be right up there with
insurance info. it's a yes or no question, nothing more. is that
being racist? is it evil and bad?

let me ask you this. if you were to get injured in mexico or
guatemala or china or wherever after entering their country illegally,
not having insurance or a means to pay for it, and expecting medical
care, do you think the medical facility will treat you and not then
have you arrested/imprisoned? look at it from the other side. are
you that delusional to believe that they wouldn't arrest/imprison you? so, why do we have
to play by a different set of rules than them? it's because of
do-gooders like yourself who consistently vote to allow people to get
things without paying for them. therefore, if i walk into a store,
should i just be able to take anything i want and leave without paying
for it, simply because i don't have the money? this is exactly what
you are saying it is okay to do by voting no on this bill. tell me
i'm wrong. justify your reasoning. i may try this and let the police
know that nancy pelosi endorses behavior to allow people to use
services without paying for them. but wait, that only works if i
enter the country illegally, using your position on this matter.

"Burdening hospitals and medical personnel with enforcing immigration
laws will hinder their ability to fulfill their primary mission -
tending to the sick and injured."

what about the burden placed on the medical staff having to tend to non life
threatening maladies of a person who doesn't know where else to go but the emergency room?
have you been to an emergency room lately? did you know in the state
you represent that there are more emergency rooms closing than
opening, due to FINANCIAL LOSSES of providing care for people who
can't pay for it? and all they have to do is ask a simple question,
ARE YOU A CITIZEN? yes or no. how is that going to add to the
burden? and to go one step beyond that, to get an identification from
the person to determine country of naturalized or indigenous origin.
is that crossing the line? is that invading people's privacy and
denying basic human rights? if anything, maybe this person might be
in a medical database on record with an allergy to something, so this
could save lives. but why bother looking at the issue without your
democrat badge. just keep on allowing people who aren't here legally
to get free services while natural born citizens have to pay for
themselves and the illegal people. this is blatant inequality,
something i'm sure you're against. yet you support it in this matter.

"Hospital caregivers are already overburdened with paperwork, which
requires at least 30 minutes for every hour of patient care."

and congress endorsed regulations and fear of lawsuits in the judicial
branch have nothing to do with this, now do they? you're part of
government, therefore it's you're job to fix the problem. or so the
dumb masses think. i think you make too much money and don't work
hard enough for it. you come off sounding silly on this issue because
your compassion lies with those that break laws, but you probably
would like to abolish any immigration control and welcome all
impoverished people, just like back in the old days. well we're not
in the old days anymore. those ideals just can not work today in the
'new economy'.

"Hospitals would also be forced to allocate funding for new
non-medical equipment and personnel, diverting funds from patient

how would they need to hire additional people to enforce this? and
what new equipment is required? you paint with a very broad brush.
you failed to add the following. "diverting funds from patient care
[for patients that pay for the services]." yes i'm back to no pay, no
play. you see, the funds available for patient care have to come from
somewhere, funds don't just magically replenish themselves. why not
start billing the governments of illegals to 'fund' their healthcare.
or would that make them mad? heaven forbid we make them mad. if
you're going to be this irrational, why not launch a bill to have
california norte secede from the estados unidos and join it's real
papa, the corrupt government of mexico. and if you try and tell me
the government of mexico isn't corrupt, you are a bold faced liar.

"Rather than force hospitals to create large immigration
bureaucracies, Republicans should focus on making health care more
affordable for the 44 million people who do not have health

so what should the democrats do then? this obviously is not their
problem. to hell with your partisan whining. please shut your mouth
and do something, other than pander to a group who doesn't elect you
because they can't legally vote. and of those 44 million people
mentioned, i wonder how they would feel about paying taxes so that non
citizens get healthcare and they don't. but rather than look at that,
you choose the easy bipartisan route and point the finger at the
racist and evil republicans. you make your side look just as bad,

as for mexico's double standard immigration policy. how could you
support a country that allows murderers and rapists to have a safe
haven from american law, because we are barbaric and have the death
penalty for killers? do you invite illegal non citizen criminals to
attend your rallies? do you have over violent illegal felons for dinner? why
not? the typical 'democrat' stance on such issues is inaction,
because of fear of hurting someone's feelings. a mexican citizen can
shoot an american law enforcement officer, flee across the border and
we can't do anything to pull that trash out of mexico and kill the
worthless jerk. i don't see you pressuring vincente fox to hand these
people over. and then he expects us to just open our borders to allow
anyone from mexico to come over and be able to go back and forth as
they please, yet americans are hassled by the lawless federali's
mexico calls a police force. where's the two way street here? mexico
is a country where the 'ruling class' rob and steal to stay rich on
the backs of the poor. the poor are left to fend for themselves by a
government that could care less about their own citizens. and no,
america is not the same. there is no 'middle-class' in mexico.
mexico has very strict immigration controls. if you're a non-mexican
caught in mexico illegally, do you know what happens? they DEPORT
you! no questions asked. just bam! back to country of origin. so
they want it both ways. no immigration control from america, but they
can pick and choose who they want to deport. that's not fair to
america. but you don't care about all of that. it's just lies set
forth by the evil republicans right? no basis in fact or reality.

for you to say you care about any of this is nothing but lip service
until you actually make something happen. your happy global village
view is killing your state financially. maybe come back from
washington without an army of AP 'spin' soundbite reporters to make
your grandstanding look like the 'people's fight' and represent the
silent majority who do want better border protection, who do support
LEGAL immigration, and who don't wish to pay into a fund to provide
care for people who shouldn't be here. is that too much to ask? not
once do you make reference to the word illegal or even mention the
immigrants that place this burden on the system by not paying into it.
would you rather i call them 'potential votes for nancy pelosi'

i don't claim to have all the answers. i do know that you are wrong
on this particular subject, because you don't know what it's like. a
report won't tell you the california healthcare system is overburdened
with patients and rising costs due to illegal and uninsured patients.
the simple answer is to remove one of those two from the equation.
and here you are talking about the uninsured. just keep ignoring the
other problem. may you one day have to go to USC medical center for
an emergency. that's a nice way of saying 'i hope you die waiting for
care'. but you won't. you're the supposed social elite, the upper class, truly out of
touch with the working person and what drives them. peace, love,
socialism! right?

yours truly,

tehrawr, a california voter not in your district.


"the pain of war can not exceed the the woe of aftermath" .:Led Zeppelin - The Battle of Evermore:.

please think of the men and women who voluntarily put themselves in harm's way so that you may enjoy the freedoms we have left this memorial day.

think positive about june 30, 2004, when the world will know what is the iraqi people's decision is; to allow continued american intervention or to cut ties and ally with some other group [NATO, UN, France].

think about the possibility of a 'mixed' house. the white house that is. i now like a kerry/mccain ticket infinitely more than bush/cheney. but i know the way the game works. red team and blue team can't intermingle, even if that is what the people most desire. when option a or option b doesn't look good, it's the american way to make and option c! so i will write in kerry/mccain on my november ballot. i hope you would do the same.

the interests of the american people have to be > the interests of a political party affiliation. a true american patriot would reject these 'party lines' and do what is right for all americans.

why the sudden change in my opinion? am i now a leftist 'democrat' radical? hardly. i have just realized the path we are headed down as an 'empire' will result in inevitable collapse [just like rome!], thanks to a little maternal intervention. i'm still anti-terror, pro-american since 9-11-2001, a regular bandwagon patriot. i want the best possible combination of leaders we can get. is that a bad thing?

americans aren't perfect. i don't know how many times i need to repeat this until i am heard, but it's not working yet. we make mistakes. we are fallible. that's just the way it is. to say that is an unacceptable policy is unrealistic and about as edited for stupidity [= television] as could be. nothing more.

do i think we should have went into iraq and deposed a brutal secular dictator? yes.

should we have got the UN rubber stamp before going in? this isn't 1991. the UN was backhandedly supporting the regime with billions in aid [= cash] for fraudulent oil rights, all the while with the other hand imposing sanctions and half-heartedly tooling around the desert supposedly looking for weapons. so that answer is unequivocally no.

do i think that iraqis should be put to work to rebuild their country with the guidance of the us and maybe other countries? absolutely. opportunity and education are the fastest means to promote social change.

do i see that happening at the moment? not really. and that needs to change for there to be any chance of iraq ever being sovereign and stable. teach the people of iraq the skills needed to extract the crude, and let them profit from the experience, rather than do it entirely ourselves. that's the only win-win i can foresee.

is there any good that has come from this 'war in iraq'? yes.

does the 'media' ever bother to focus on it? no. any progress news that is good does not get the ratings, so they ignore it all.

is it going to be an easy road to stability in iraq? no. the easiest path is not always the best though. if it were, america would still be a colony of britain.

would i prefer a mccain/lieberman ticket? hell yes. but that's only because those are the two seemingly most rational people we have in american politics today. if you were to listen to what they had to say over what they may be, you might feel the same.

why a jewish vice president? it's something new and excitingly different. plus it would strengthen the separation of church and state, not the integration path we are currently going down with the reborn agains and unpromise keepers.

don't you think the middle east people would hate that more than bush? if they do, it would be out of their own ignorance. lieberman isn't a zionist monster devoted to expanding the borders of israel, like every other jew in the world is, according to some. he's a classy man who deeply cares about the interests and needs of american citizens, and their relationships to each other and the world. jewish or not, if you can't get past that, i pity your foolishness.

is that a feasible option? no. the american electorate will only vote for the options presented to them, in part due to groupthink and conformist stupidity.

do i get my news on iraq from 'standard' media outlets? some, i pick and choose from many different sources and try to get multiple accounts. that's what intelligent people do. for too long i have used this blog to vent frustration, when i can always use my newly created and 'raw' version to do so. the expletive ridden venting rant is here

what about al-sadir? besides being a pretty bad guy, he has what we need. influence. if he can cool his jets until after june 30, then let the chips fall where they may, all involved would be better off. if the new iraqi government decides not to prosecute and to train his mehdi army to be the police force in najaf, kufa, and ramadi, by all means i'm for it. so long as they don't go rogue against the wishes of the iraqi people who are seemingly in favor of a secular inclusionary government.

i'm still not an idealist. i realize that there are too many people and not enough resources to support the species on earth today. so that still means some people will need to die, and the birthrate needs to stabilize. this is only happening in one place on the planet, that being europe. at least someone gets it. even america doesn't. what is the reason for this in europe? the simple answer is ru-486, known to the religious wrong as 'baby killer in a pill'. what these mental giants of the pro-life camp don't see is the abuse of foster children, the teen suicides, and unwanted babies thrown in dumpsters because of their idyllic thinking and lack of alternatives. you can call me sadistic and cruel, but the numbers don't lie


who's a dumb senator? here is the list of them for today!

Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT]
Sen Alexander, Lamar - 5/12/2004 [TN]
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. - 3/25/2004 [UT]
Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 5/3/2004 [NY]

why are they dumb you ask?

see for yourself

or if you don't want to click, here is the deal.

A bill to amend chapter 5 of title 17, United States Code, to authorize civil copyright enforcement by the Attorney General, and for other purposes.

what does that mean you ask? it's basically turning the RIAA/MPAA into an official government branch, complete with legal enforcement powers greater than what they possess now. yes that's right. the same government you elect will now fine you for 'pirating' music and movies and 'content' wholely owned by multimedia conglomerates, which aren't the government. but knowing the mental giant that is american society, this will pass because the media will spin this as somehow 'benefitting the consumer' with 'value added subpoenas' or some crap like that. what, you think they [the media] don't have a 'vested' interest in seeing this pass?

so i will once again write an email to these deplorable senators who are in the pockets of the executives at the media giants telling them they are not representing the interests of the people that elected their incompetent elite selves into washingtonian goodness.

fact- more people share files than vote. what does that tell you? it tells me more people want their [insert this weeks lack of talent media content here] than care about their 'leaders'. p2p the vote.

and while you're at it

check out what funkmaster Gore wants to happen.

fact - the CIA is 'torturing' and 'abusing' some 'raghead'* somewhere in the world trying to extract information out of them. no one said intelligence gathering is pretty. what, are we supposed to ask them 'pretty please tell us where the next attack is going to be'? this isn't your kid we're talking about here, this is someone who would like to turn your kid into a bloody pulp stain with an RPG-2. but that's just not nice! yes, and the world is a brutal, horrible, ugly place sometimes. deal with it. after all, your little perfect bundle of joy is going to have to face the reality you are so quick to turn away from, so that you can have the CENSORED TELEVISION media protect you from seeing it with 'quality family programming'. why is it called programming? no one asks that. but that's exactly what it is. edited content to sway the mindnumbed groupthinkers who have no ability to discern what is fact and what is fabricated to their pro-terror agenda by provoking outrage instead of intelligent perspective. prison abuse scandal my ass. but no one listens to me. i don't obviously know how evil americans are for this abuse, when 450 miles to the west, some saudi women just got her foot lopped off for wearing mismatched socks under those 'clothes' they make her wear. perspective...

and to those parents who get their panties all bunched up because of the nick berg video being shown at high schools [you know the place you send your kid to get prepared for life because you're too special and important to do it yourself], leave the teachers alone! to deny that this event happened is to believe that evil doesn't exist. that is, the non-american evil, you self-hating imbecile. if you fit this description you're not a parent, you're a thoughtcop. showing a beheading to third graders, i could see how this is a bad thing. showing a beheading in a junior/senior [and in very rare cases the enlightened 7th grader] current events class, is perfectly okay. the continued puritan effort by these parents does more harm than good. think you can teach the youth better than the current teachers? why not quit your job and do something about it? rather than lay into the ones who are doing all they can to prepare your offspring for the harsh reality that is life.

and then you have the people are getting all upset and scream 'SCANDAL' over pictures that have to date only been proven to be from ONE DAY. NOT ONE YEAR, NOT ONGOING. put this into perspective, and you might see how much the pro-terror media is wanting more non-fundamentialists to die, just so they can say 'we told you so' and get those all important ratings. and for the new york times, the la times, the boston globe, usa today, and the rest of you AP smacktards, stop making 'news' up. does only bad happen in the world? where are the stories about the 4 million iraqis who now have potable dysentery-free water, the iraqi females ALLOWED to attend school for the first time in the nation's history, or the cell phone towers and cell phones that the iraqi people have come to enjoy. but this is not news. you have to dig through english language sites on iraq or read blogs by iraqis to get this information. the AP only cares about the 'sunni triangle', and the pro-terror agenda of those 'insurgent-friendly' 'ragheads'* who are trying to stop this thing called progress and change. disagree? go ahead and put that al-sadr for president bumper sticker on your vehicle, because this is not a grey area issue open to debate.

either you're pro-terror or your not. this has zero to do with the 'political justifications' for any of it. yes or no. that's it. now which is it? for me, the answer is no.

* use of the term raghead in this blog is not a 'racial epithet' i know and respect many who wear turbans, of both sikh and arab descent. they are not who i speak of. those loyal to any fundamentalist organization who cause death and terror on moderate, peace gravitating citizens of planet earth are who i speak of. try to understand before labeling me as a 'racist'. tell me i'm wrong

see the people with weapons? these are who i am referring to asragheads.


thought for the day. look at the graph and see if you can spy a potential problem.

nope, no problem here....


more political activism. this time ben from ben&jerry wants the world to just chill, man. let's all get along like rodney king.

and michael moore is a piece of trash for adding more insult to the wounds we are all licking. you just can't enough of those abuse videos, can you? if you're so american, let an american company develop and host your website. but no, you're 'offshoring' jobs to canada you hypocrite. is there not someone in flint michigan who wanted that job? did you even bother to ask? before you go running your mouth about being an average american again, stop listening to all those eurotrash groupthinkers and american guilt relativists you associate with. average americans aren't in cannes right now, they're making a living doing something of substance. you made SOME good points in the bowling for columbine flick, i even kinda sorta liked it. but this new thing you got is going too far. of course the french eat you up like you eat up anything in sight, because you're not pro-american, anti-bush. you're un-american, anti-bush, and they love that noise. go hang out with other loser directors in france like that pedophile polanski. don't come home. stay there and eat pastries till you keel over. maybe the next american who gets their head chopped off will have their beheading dedicated to your little movie because you chose to use more footage of abuse. what then? i say try your ass for treason, because your 'art' will get more of the americans you claim to care so much about killed.

see below:

to: info@truemajority.com

subject: not a hatemail, some constructive criticism on your views.

congratulations on your political action campaign. i see you are out to change the world and make a happy place with flowers and love and all that good stuff. i'm not against those. in fact i'm for them. but here is why your logic is flawed in my humble and hopefully somewhat realistic opinion:

1. Attack World Hunger and Poverty as if Our Life Depends on It: It Does.

yes i agree. i would say a literacy campaign to educate the world is needed more though. if you were to evaluate the world population throughout time, you would see a distinct problem today . there are just too many people on this planet. the human race can not keep growing at the exponential rate that it is growing at. there will be a limit and a breaking point. some people need to die so that we all don't. that's just the biological facts. but then the question is who? my vote is for those who can not survive on their own. ban life support. let nature do what it intended to with human longevity. all this money we spend trying to cheat death, when it only ends up hurting generations to come because we are trying to alter nature. nature always wins and 10 out of 10 people die. deal with it. you can't 'save' everyone, and that must break your compassionate heart i know. just how many people live in vermont anyways? take a trip to istanbul or bombay sometime, maybe then you would understand.

2. Champion the Rights of Every Child, Woman and Man.

again, nothing wrong with this. except the fact that americans and people in other countries don't give two hoots about rights of people in other countries. all they know is that they get all that cheap goodies from southeast asia and china. and good luck convincing the saudis and syrians to conform to women's rights. there you go all trying to change people who don't want to change. they will pick up a gun and kill you for trying. i wish it weren't so, and i'm sure you do too. that's just the facts jack. no amount of chunky monkey is going to remedy this.

3. End our Obstructionism to the World's Treaties.

okay. and treaties are documents written by humans, and worth only as much as the paper they are printed on. to view them as some sort of great applicable law that is totally binding in all areas on planet earth is in error. and pay our UN dues on time? i wasn't aware we owe them anything. and who pays the majority of the foreign aid in the world already, hmm? it must be china! no wait, they spend something like 70% of every yuan they get on a 'war machine'. and global warming doesn't scare me. macro environmental changes occur with or without human interference. there is a finite window in which life can exist. speeding up the end of life isn't a good thing, but there are some elements of the climate changing which is not led on by human interaction. to believe that we as a genus and species are entirely culpable for this change is absurd. i agree we are not helping matters, but it's not solely our fault.

4. Reduce our Dependence on Oil & Lead the World to an Age of Renewable Energy.

count me in! the less money we give to people who don't follow your rule #2, the easier it will be to make them comply with your lofty wishes. but... it takes these fossil fuels to manufacture and maintain your proposed solutions, wind and solar. if you have time, read the info @ lifeaftertheoilcrash.net, and maybe then you might understand why this is a great idea on paper, yet not practical in application, much like marxism.

5. Close the Book on the Cold War and Ease the Nuclear Nightmare.

sounds good. one problem. we didn't sell our nukes to people who might actually use them, the other guys did. not to mention pakistan, north korea, india, and iran. tell them to stop. good luck. kim jong il would rather michael berg you than listen to reason and not launch or threaten to.

6. Renounce Star Wars and the Militarization of Space.

not likely to happen. think of it this way. america is now one of four players up in the heavens. china, russia and the EU are up there too. it goes back to the 'make them stop' argument, as once again, america is guilty, BUT WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES! if all respective nations pooled their resources and knowledge, we might be able to make something of your idea. but i don't see that happening anytime soon.

7. Make Globalization Work for, not against, Working People.

heh. your rule #1 automatically negates this, as you now know we just can't save everyone. is it unreasonable to accept that not everyone will abide by the same rules? globalization has gotten as far it can go at this time. your ideals are bordering on marxism, which isn't inherently evil, but the rules can not be applied with such a broad brush. if the citizens on planet earth can't even agree on one belief system with their 'spirit', how in the heck are we supposed to enforce this in the tangible realm? welfare of the people > corporate patents and profits huh? sounds good. i would like to see it, but stagnation leads to extinction, and this life evolves too much to have this happen.

8. Ensure Equal Treatment Under Law for All.

in america, we have a law like this. so you're calling for additions, addendum's and strict enforcement of this. i for one don't like being told how to live, and reject this vigorous enforcement, as you will find too much emphasis will be placed on feelings. if i hurt someone else's feelings, then they can what turn me in? then that hurts my feelings. so where are we at now? leave the 'equal protection' as is and just hope that people will get along. you don't get that to enforce something means that there is a problem, and enforcement isn't always the best way to deal with something. example: many counties have passed laws basically unenforcing the ban on growing the cannabis sativa plant or sensamilla variety for loosely defined 'medicinal' use. yet the federal law is still in place outright making it illegal. so if the DEA raids your plants, you're screwed. if the town sheriff notices them, it will not be enforced the same way. see the credibility gap here? there is no equal treatment. it means something on paper, but does not hold up in practice.

9. Get Money out of Politics.

why not just say no more politics. that's a better and also unrealistic solution. all your beliefs are inclusive not divisive. politics is by definition divisive. do away with them completely, who needs politics when we're out sharing our wealth and making sure everyone is totally equal, right? how then are candidates supposed to get themselves known? it takes money to spread information. you pay every month for your bandwidth to read this email, so right there you are putting money into politics. see? it can't be done.

10. Close the Gap between Rich and Poor Kids at Home.

this is the same as #8. you preach equality. it's a great message and i'm not slamming that. i just don't believe that the 'average' american has the resolve to adhere to your proposal. even if they say they are for all these things, and these are great wonderful things, they simply do not scale. you have to please understand this.

people can endorse something all they want, but it's not going to make it so. i appreciate the blind effort you are presenting, but i will tell you this. i do not have the resolve personally to adhere to these ideas. one thing you know is that you are much better off than 98% of the world. what makes you think that even if you spent all your fortune to promote these virtues that it will make a global difference. i hope you can and do prove me wrong. based upon my knowledge of macro evolutionary human behavior patterns, this is nothing more than another attempt to change the world. all other previous attempts have failed, just for the record.

enjoy your cause, while you still can

and change the link. some dumb housewife is gonna flip when she sees:


principlesex!? omfg someone call the FCC! someone really dropped the ball on that url crafting.



gmail address. another triumph of the internet! well, a little one.

1 free GB of storage? nice.

will it be used for anything more than dumb anonymous blogging crap? no.

why? well you see there is this thing called archiving, and your personal data may still be resident on server 31 in cabinet 42, row 5, after you delete your message [send to trash, whatever]. and i'm just not too keen on having my personal effects on a machine after i tell it not to be there.

so why did i even bother to sign up? one word, linux. google consists of a big linux cluster and that is good. rather than choose the ungodly expensive solaris / oracle solutions, they home grew their own software technology upon a linux foundation, and for that i commend them. google is far more than a search engine. it's a 1 with one hundred zeros after it. and an IPO that everyone is going ape over.

i saw the nightline that was allegedly so controversial. it wasn't. because i support the 'illegal war' action in afghanistan and iraq, this was a tribute and a recognition of the sacrifice these men and women made for OUR WAY OF LIFE. and believe it or not, there are actually modern thinking muslims in iraq today who think the same way about our efforts!
