
"the pain of war can not exceed the the woe of aftermath" .:Led Zeppelin - The Battle of Evermore:.

please think of the men and women who voluntarily put themselves in harm's way so that you may enjoy the freedoms we have left this memorial day.

think positive about june 30, 2004, when the world will know what is the iraqi people's decision is; to allow continued american intervention or to cut ties and ally with some other group [NATO, UN, France].

think about the possibility of a 'mixed' house. the white house that is. i now like a kerry/mccain ticket infinitely more than bush/cheney. but i know the way the game works. red team and blue team can't intermingle, even if that is what the people most desire. when option a or option b doesn't look good, it's the american way to make and option c! so i will write in kerry/mccain on my november ballot. i hope you would do the same.

the interests of the american people have to be > the interests of a political party affiliation. a true american patriot would reject these 'party lines' and do what is right for all americans.

why the sudden change in my opinion? am i now a leftist 'democrat' radical? hardly. i have just realized the path we are headed down as an 'empire' will result in inevitable collapse [just like rome!], thanks to a little maternal intervention. i'm still anti-terror, pro-american since 9-11-2001, a regular bandwagon patriot. i want the best possible combination of leaders we can get. is that a bad thing?

americans aren't perfect. i don't know how many times i need to repeat this until i am heard, but it's not working yet. we make mistakes. we are fallible. that's just the way it is. to say that is an unacceptable policy is unrealistic and about as edited for stupidity [= television] as could be. nothing more.

do i think we should have went into iraq and deposed a brutal secular dictator? yes.

should we have got the UN rubber stamp before going in? this isn't 1991. the UN was backhandedly supporting the regime with billions in aid [= cash] for fraudulent oil rights, all the while with the other hand imposing sanctions and half-heartedly tooling around the desert supposedly looking for weapons. so that answer is unequivocally no.

do i think that iraqis should be put to work to rebuild their country with the guidance of the us and maybe other countries? absolutely. opportunity and education are the fastest means to promote social change.

do i see that happening at the moment? not really. and that needs to change for there to be any chance of iraq ever being sovereign and stable. teach the people of iraq the skills needed to extract the crude, and let them profit from the experience, rather than do it entirely ourselves. that's the only win-win i can foresee.

is there any good that has come from this 'war in iraq'? yes.

does the 'media' ever bother to focus on it? no. any progress news that is good does not get the ratings, so they ignore it all.

is it going to be an easy road to stability in iraq? no. the easiest path is not always the best though. if it were, america would still be a colony of britain.

would i prefer a mccain/lieberman ticket? hell yes. but that's only because those are the two seemingly most rational people we have in american politics today. if you were to listen to what they had to say over what they may be, you might feel the same.

why a jewish vice president? it's something new and excitingly different. plus it would strengthen the separation of church and state, not the integration path we are currently going down with the reborn agains and unpromise keepers.

don't you think the middle east people would hate that more than bush? if they do, it would be out of their own ignorance. lieberman isn't a zionist monster devoted to expanding the borders of israel, like every other jew in the world is, according to some. he's a classy man who deeply cares about the interests and needs of american citizens, and their relationships to each other and the world. jewish or not, if you can't get past that, i pity your foolishness.

is that a feasible option? no. the american electorate will only vote for the options presented to them, in part due to groupthink and conformist stupidity.

do i get my news on iraq from 'standard' media outlets? some, i pick and choose from many different sources and try to get multiple accounts. that's what intelligent people do. for too long i have used this blog to vent frustration, when i can always use my newly created and 'raw' version to do so. the expletive ridden venting rant is here

what about al-sadir? besides being a pretty bad guy, he has what we need. influence. if he can cool his jets until after june 30, then let the chips fall where they may, all involved would be better off. if the new iraqi government decides not to prosecute and to train his mehdi army to be the police force in najaf, kufa, and ramadi, by all means i'm for it. so long as they don't go rogue against the wishes of the iraqi people who are seemingly in favor of a secular inclusionary government.

i'm still not an idealist. i realize that there are too many people and not enough resources to support the species on earth today. so that still means some people will need to die, and the birthrate needs to stabilize. this is only happening in one place on the planet, that being europe. at least someone gets it. even america doesn't. what is the reason for this in europe? the simple answer is ru-486, known to the religious wrong as 'baby killer in a pill'. what these mental giants of the pro-life camp don't see is the abuse of foster children, the teen suicides, and unwanted babies thrown in dumpsters because of their idyllic thinking and lack of alternatives. you can call me sadistic and cruel, but the numbers don't lie


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