who's a dumb senator? here is the list of them for today!
Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT]
Sen Alexander, Lamar - 5/12/2004 [TN]
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. - 3/25/2004 [UT]
Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 5/3/2004 [NY]
why are they dumb you ask?
see for yourself
or if you don't want to click, here is the deal.
A bill to amend chapter 5 of title 17, United States Code, to authorize civil copyright enforcement by the Attorney General, and for other purposes.
what does that mean you ask? it's basically turning the RIAA/MPAA into an official government branch, complete with legal enforcement powers greater than what they possess now. yes that's right. the same government you elect will now fine you for 'pirating' music and movies and 'content' wholely owned by multimedia conglomerates, which aren't the government. but knowing the mental giant that is american society, this will pass because the media will spin this as somehow 'benefitting the consumer' with 'value added subpoenas' or some crap like that. what, you think they [the media] don't have a 'vested' interest in seeing this pass?
so i will once again write an email to these deplorable senators who are in the pockets of the executives at the media giants telling them they are not representing the interests of the people that elected their incompetent elite selves into washingtonian goodness.
fact- more people share files than vote. what does that tell you? it tells me more people want their [insert this weeks lack of talent media content here] than care about their 'leaders'. p2p the vote.
and while you're at it
check out what funkmaster Gore wants to happen.
fact - the CIA is 'torturing' and 'abusing' some 'raghead'* somewhere in the world trying to extract information out of them. no one said intelligence gathering is pretty. what, are we supposed to ask them 'pretty please tell us where the next attack is going to be'? this isn't your kid we're talking about here, this is someone who would like to turn your kid into a bloody pulp stain with an RPG-2. but that's just not nice! yes, and the world is a brutal, horrible, ugly place sometimes. deal with it. after all, your little perfect bundle of joy is going to have to face the reality you are so quick to turn away from, so that you can have the CENSORED TELEVISION media protect you from seeing it with 'quality family programming'. why is it called programming? no one asks that. but that's exactly what it is. edited content to sway the mindnumbed groupthinkers who have no ability to discern what is fact and what is fabricated to their pro-terror agenda by provoking outrage instead of intelligent perspective. prison abuse scandal my ass. but no one listens to me. i don't obviously know how evil americans are for this abuse, when 450 miles to the west, some saudi women just got her foot lopped off for wearing mismatched socks under those 'clothes' they make her wear. perspective...
and to those parents who get their panties all bunched up because of the nick berg video being shown at high schools [you know the place you send your kid to get prepared for life because you're too special and important to do it yourself], leave the teachers alone! to deny that this event happened is to believe that evil doesn't exist. that is, the non-american evil, you self-hating imbecile. if you fit this description you're not a parent, you're a thoughtcop. showing a beheading to third graders, i could see how this is a bad thing. showing a beheading in a junior/senior [and in very rare cases the enlightened 7th grader] current events class, is perfectly okay. the continued puritan effort by these parents does more harm than good. think you can teach the youth better than the current teachers? why not quit your job and do something about it? rather than lay into the ones who are doing all they can to prepare your offspring for the harsh reality that is life.
and then you have the people are getting all upset and scream 'SCANDAL' over pictures that have to date only been proven to be from ONE DAY. NOT ONE YEAR, NOT ONGOING. put this into perspective, and you might see how much the pro-terror media is wanting more non-fundamentialists to die, just so they can say 'we told you so' and get those all important ratings. and for the new york times, the la times, the boston globe, usa today, and the rest of you AP smacktards, stop making 'news' up. does only bad happen in the world? where are the stories about the 4 million iraqis who now have potable dysentery-free water, the iraqi females ALLOWED to attend school for the first time in the nation's history, or the cell phone towers and cell phones that the iraqi people have come to enjoy. but this is not news. you have to dig through english language sites on iraq or read blogs by iraqis to get this information. the AP only cares about the 'sunni triangle', and the pro-terror agenda of those 'insurgent-friendly' 'ragheads'* who are trying to stop this thing called progress and change. disagree? go ahead and put that al-sadr for president bumper sticker on your vehicle, because this is not a grey area issue open to debate.
either you're pro-terror or your not. this has zero to do with the 'political justifications' for any of it. yes or no. that's it. now which is it? for me, the answer is no.
* use of the term raghead in this blog is not a 'racial epithet' i know and respect many who wear turbans, of both sikh and arab descent. they are not who i speak of. those loyal to any fundamentalist organization who cause death and terror on moderate, peace gravitating citizens of planet earth are who i speak of. try to understand before labeling me as a 'racist'. tell me i'm wrong
see the people with weapons? these are who i am referring to asragheads.
Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT]
Sen Alexander, Lamar - 5/12/2004 [TN]
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. - 3/25/2004 [UT]
Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 5/3/2004 [NY]
why are they dumb you ask?
see for yourself
or if you don't want to click, here is the deal.
A bill to amend chapter 5 of title 17, United States Code, to authorize civil copyright enforcement by the Attorney General, and for other purposes.
what does that mean you ask? it's basically turning the RIAA/MPAA into an official government branch, complete with legal enforcement powers greater than what they possess now. yes that's right. the same government you elect will now fine you for 'pirating' music and movies and 'content' wholely owned by multimedia conglomerates, which aren't the government. but knowing the mental giant that is american society, this will pass because the media will spin this as somehow 'benefitting the consumer' with 'value added subpoenas' or some crap like that. what, you think they [the media] don't have a 'vested' interest in seeing this pass?
so i will once again write an email to these deplorable senators who are in the pockets of the executives at the media giants telling them they are not representing the interests of the people that elected their incompetent elite selves into washingtonian goodness.
fact- more people share files than vote. what does that tell you? it tells me more people want their [insert this weeks lack of talent media content here] than care about their 'leaders'. p2p the vote.
and while you're at it
check out what funkmaster Gore wants to happen.
fact - the CIA is 'torturing' and 'abusing' some 'raghead'* somewhere in the world trying to extract information out of them. no one said intelligence gathering is pretty. what, are we supposed to ask them 'pretty please tell us where the next attack is going to be'? this isn't your kid we're talking about here, this is someone who would like to turn your kid into a bloody pulp stain with an RPG-2. but that's just not nice! yes, and the world is a brutal, horrible, ugly place sometimes. deal with it. after all, your little perfect bundle of joy is going to have to face the reality you are so quick to turn away from, so that you can have the CENSORED TELEVISION media protect you from seeing it with 'quality family programming'. why is it called programming? no one asks that. but that's exactly what it is. edited content to sway the mindnumbed groupthinkers who have no ability to discern what is fact and what is fabricated to their pro-terror agenda by provoking outrage instead of intelligent perspective. prison abuse scandal my ass. but no one listens to me. i don't obviously know how evil americans are for this abuse, when 450 miles to the west, some saudi women just got her foot lopped off for wearing mismatched socks under those 'clothes' they make her wear. perspective...
and to those parents who get their panties all bunched up because of the nick berg video being shown at high schools [you know the place you send your kid to get prepared for life because you're too special and important to do it yourself], leave the teachers alone! to deny that this event happened is to believe that evil doesn't exist. that is, the non-american evil, you self-hating imbecile. if you fit this description you're not a parent, you're a thoughtcop. showing a beheading to third graders, i could see how this is a bad thing. showing a beheading in a junior/senior [and in very rare cases the enlightened 7th grader] current events class, is perfectly okay. the continued puritan effort by these parents does more harm than good. think you can teach the youth better than the current teachers? why not quit your job and do something about it? rather than lay into the ones who are doing all they can to prepare your offspring for the harsh reality that is life.
and then you have the people are getting all upset and scream 'SCANDAL' over pictures that have to date only been proven to be from ONE DAY. NOT ONE YEAR, NOT ONGOING. put this into perspective, and you might see how much the pro-terror media is wanting more non-fundamentialists to die, just so they can say 'we told you so' and get those all important ratings. and for the new york times, the la times, the boston globe, usa today, and the rest of you AP smacktards, stop making 'news' up. does only bad happen in the world? where are the stories about the 4 million iraqis who now have potable dysentery-free water, the iraqi females ALLOWED to attend school for the first time in the nation's history, or the cell phone towers and cell phones that the iraqi people have come to enjoy. but this is not news. you have to dig through english language sites on iraq or read blogs by iraqis to get this information. the AP only cares about the 'sunni triangle', and the pro-terror agenda of those 'insurgent-friendly' 'ragheads'* who are trying to stop this thing called progress and change. disagree? go ahead and put that al-sadr for president bumper sticker on your vehicle, because this is not a grey area issue open to debate.
either you're pro-terror or your not. this has zero to do with the 'political justifications' for any of it. yes or no. that's it. now which is it? for me, the answer is no.
* use of the term raghead in this blog is not a 'racial epithet' i know and respect many who wear turbans, of both sikh and arab descent. they are not who i speak of. those loyal to any fundamentalist organization who cause death and terror on moderate, peace gravitating citizens of planet earth are who i speak of. try to understand before labeling me as a 'racist'. tell me i'm wrong

see the people with weapons? these are who i am referring to asragheads.
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