more political activism. this time ben from ben&jerry wants the world to just chill, man. let's all get along like rodney king.
and michael moore is a piece of trash for adding more insult to the wounds we are all licking. you just can't enough of those abuse videos, can you? if you're so american, let an american company develop and host your website. but no, you're 'offshoring' jobs to canada you hypocrite. is there not someone in flint michigan who wanted that job? did you even bother to ask? before you go running your mouth about being an average american again, stop listening to all those eurotrash groupthinkers and american guilt relativists you associate with. average americans aren't in cannes right now, they're making a living doing something of substance. you made SOME good points in the bowling for columbine flick, i even kinda sorta liked it. but this new thing you got is going too far. of course the french eat you up like you eat up anything in sight, because you're not pro-american, anti-bush. you're un-american, anti-bush, and they love that noise. go hang out with other loser directors in france like that pedophile polanski. don't come home. stay there and eat pastries till you keel over. maybe the next american who gets their head chopped off will have their beheading dedicated to your little movie because you chose to use more footage of abuse. what then? i say try your ass for treason, because your 'art' will get more of the americans you claim to care so much about killed.
see below:
subject: not a hatemail, some constructive criticism on your views.
congratulations on your political action campaign. i see you are out to change the world and make a happy place with flowers and love and all that good stuff. i'm not against those. in fact i'm for them. but here is why your logic is flawed in my humble and hopefully somewhat realistic opinion:
1. Attack World Hunger and Poverty as if Our Life Depends on It: It Does.
yes i agree. i would say a literacy campaign to educate the world is needed more though. if you were to evaluate the world population throughout time, you would see a distinct problem today . there are just too many people on this planet. the human race can not keep growing at the exponential rate that it is growing at. there will be a limit and a breaking point. some people need to die so that we all don't. that's just the biological facts. but then the question is who? my vote is for those who can not survive on their own. ban life support. let nature do what it intended to with human longevity. all this money we spend trying to cheat death, when it only ends up hurting generations to come because we are trying to alter nature. nature always wins and 10 out of 10 people die. deal with it. you can't 'save' everyone, and that must break your compassionate heart i know. just how many people live in vermont anyways? take a trip to istanbul or bombay sometime, maybe then you would understand.
2. Champion the Rights of Every Child, Woman and Man.
again, nothing wrong with this. except the fact that americans and people in other countries don't give two hoots about rights of people in other countries. all they know is that they get all that cheap goodies from southeast asia and china. and good luck convincing the saudis and syrians to conform to women's rights. there you go all trying to change people who don't want to change. they will pick up a gun and kill you for trying. i wish it weren't so, and i'm sure you do too. that's just the facts jack. no amount of chunky monkey is going to remedy this.
3. End our Obstructionism to the World's Treaties.
okay. and treaties are documents written by humans, and worth only as much as the paper they are printed on. to view them as some sort of great applicable law that is totally binding in all areas on planet earth is in error. and pay our UN dues on time? i wasn't aware we owe them anything. and who pays the majority of the foreign aid in the world already, hmm? it must be china! no wait, they spend something like 70% of every yuan they get on a 'war machine'. and global warming doesn't scare me. macro environmental changes occur with or without human interference. there is a finite window in which life can exist. speeding up the end of life isn't a good thing, but there are some elements of the climate changing which is not led on by human interaction. to believe that we as a genus and species are entirely culpable for this change is absurd. i agree we are not helping matters, but it's not solely our fault.
4. Reduce our Dependence on Oil & Lead the World to an Age of Renewable Energy.
count me in! the less money we give to people who don't follow your rule #2, the easier it will be to make them comply with your lofty wishes. but... it takes these fossil fuels to manufacture and maintain your proposed solutions, wind and solar. if you have time, read the info @, and maybe then you might understand why this is a great idea on paper, yet not practical in application, much like marxism.
5. Close the Book on the Cold War and Ease the Nuclear Nightmare.
sounds good. one problem. we didn't sell our nukes to people who might actually use them, the other guys did. not to mention pakistan, north korea, india, and iran. tell them to stop. good luck. kim jong il would rather michael berg you than listen to reason and not launch or threaten to.
6. Renounce Star Wars and the Militarization of Space.
not likely to happen. think of it this way. america is now one of four players up in the heavens. china, russia and the EU are up there too. it goes back to the 'make them stop' argument, as once again, america is guilty, BUT WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES! if all respective nations pooled their resources and knowledge, we might be able to make something of your idea. but i don't see that happening anytime soon.
7. Make Globalization Work for, not against, Working People.
heh. your rule #1 automatically negates this, as you now know we just can't save everyone. is it unreasonable to accept that not everyone will abide by the same rules? globalization has gotten as far it can go at this time. your ideals are bordering on marxism, which isn't inherently evil, but the rules can not be applied with such a broad brush. if the citizens on planet earth can't even agree on one belief system with their 'spirit', how in the heck are we supposed to enforce this in the tangible realm? welfare of the people > corporate patents and profits huh? sounds good. i would like to see it, but stagnation leads to extinction, and this life evolves too much to have this happen.
8. Ensure Equal Treatment Under Law for All.
in america, we have a law like this. so you're calling for additions, addendum's and strict enforcement of this. i for one don't like being told how to live, and reject this vigorous enforcement, as you will find too much emphasis will be placed on feelings. if i hurt someone else's feelings, then they can what turn me in? then that hurts my feelings. so where are we at now? leave the 'equal protection' as is and just hope that people will get along. you don't get that to enforce something means that there is a problem, and enforcement isn't always the best way to deal with something. example: many counties have passed laws basically unenforcing the ban on growing the cannabis sativa plant or sensamilla variety for loosely defined 'medicinal' use. yet the federal law is still in place outright making it illegal. so if the DEA raids your plants, you're screwed. if the town sheriff notices them, it will not be enforced the same way. see the credibility gap here? there is no equal treatment. it means something on paper, but does not hold up in practice.
9. Get Money out of Politics.
why not just say no more politics. that's a better and also unrealistic solution. all your beliefs are inclusive not divisive. politics is by definition divisive. do away with them completely, who needs politics when we're out sharing our wealth and making sure everyone is totally equal, right? how then are candidates supposed to get themselves known? it takes money to spread information. you pay every month for your bandwidth to read this email, so right there you are putting money into politics. see? it can't be done.
10. Close the Gap between Rich and Poor Kids at Home.
this is the same as #8. you preach equality. it's a great message and i'm not slamming that. i just don't believe that the 'average' american has the resolve to adhere to your proposal. even if they say they are for all these things, and these are great wonderful things, they simply do not scale. you have to please understand this.
people can endorse something all they want, but it's not going to make it so. i appreciate the blind effort you are presenting, but i will tell you this. i do not have the resolve personally to adhere to these ideas. one thing you know is that you are much better off than 98% of the world. what makes you think that even if you spent all your fortune to promote these virtues that it will make a global difference. i hope you can and do prove me wrong. based upon my knowledge of macro evolutionary human behavior patterns, this is nothing more than another attempt to change the world. all other previous attempts have failed, just for the record.
enjoy your cause, while you still can
and change the link. some dumb housewife is gonna flip when she sees:
principlesex!? omfg someone call the FCC! someone really dropped the ball on that url crafting.
and michael moore is a piece of trash for adding more insult to the wounds we are all licking. you just can't enough of those abuse videos, can you? if you're so american, let an american company develop and host your website. but no, you're 'offshoring' jobs to canada you hypocrite. is there not someone in flint michigan who wanted that job? did you even bother to ask? before you go running your mouth about being an average american again, stop listening to all those eurotrash groupthinkers and american guilt relativists you associate with. average americans aren't in cannes right now, they're making a living doing something of substance. you made SOME good points in the bowling for columbine flick, i even kinda sorta liked it. but this new thing you got is going too far. of course the french eat you up like you eat up anything in sight, because you're not pro-american, anti-bush. you're un-american, anti-bush, and they love that noise. go hang out with other loser directors in france like that pedophile polanski. don't come home. stay there and eat pastries till you keel over. maybe the next american who gets their head chopped off will have their beheading dedicated to your little movie because you chose to use more footage of abuse. what then? i say try your ass for treason, because your 'art' will get more of the americans you claim to care so much about killed.
see below:
subject: not a hatemail, some constructive criticism on your views.
congratulations on your political action campaign. i see you are out to change the world and make a happy place with flowers and love and all that good stuff. i'm not against those. in fact i'm for them. but here is why your logic is flawed in my humble and hopefully somewhat realistic opinion:
1. Attack World Hunger and Poverty as if Our Life Depends on It: It Does.
yes i agree. i would say a literacy campaign to educate the world is needed more though. if you were to evaluate the world population throughout time, you would see a distinct problem today . there are just too many people on this planet. the human race can not keep growing at the exponential rate that it is growing at. there will be a limit and a breaking point. some people need to die so that we all don't. that's just the biological facts. but then the question is who? my vote is for those who can not survive on their own. ban life support. let nature do what it intended to with human longevity. all this money we spend trying to cheat death, when it only ends up hurting generations to come because we are trying to alter nature. nature always wins and 10 out of 10 people die. deal with it. you can't 'save' everyone, and that must break your compassionate heart i know. just how many people live in vermont anyways? take a trip to istanbul or bombay sometime, maybe then you would understand.
2. Champion the Rights of Every Child, Woman and Man.
again, nothing wrong with this. except the fact that americans and people in other countries don't give two hoots about rights of people in other countries. all they know is that they get all that cheap goodies from southeast asia and china. and good luck convincing the saudis and syrians to conform to women's rights. there you go all trying to change people who don't want to change. they will pick up a gun and kill you for trying. i wish it weren't so, and i'm sure you do too. that's just the facts jack. no amount of chunky monkey is going to remedy this.
3. End our Obstructionism to the World's Treaties.
okay. and treaties are documents written by humans, and worth only as much as the paper they are printed on. to view them as some sort of great applicable law that is totally binding in all areas on planet earth is in error. and pay our UN dues on time? i wasn't aware we owe them anything. and who pays the majority of the foreign aid in the world already, hmm? it must be china! no wait, they spend something like 70% of every yuan they get on a 'war machine'. and global warming doesn't scare me. macro environmental changes occur with or without human interference. there is a finite window in which life can exist. speeding up the end of life isn't a good thing, but there are some elements of the climate changing which is not led on by human interaction. to believe that we as a genus and species are entirely culpable for this change is absurd. i agree we are not helping matters, but it's not solely our fault.
4. Reduce our Dependence on Oil & Lead the World to an Age of Renewable Energy.
count me in! the less money we give to people who don't follow your rule #2, the easier it will be to make them comply with your lofty wishes. but... it takes these fossil fuels to manufacture and maintain your proposed solutions, wind and solar. if you have time, read the info @, and maybe then you might understand why this is a great idea on paper, yet not practical in application, much like marxism.
5. Close the Book on the Cold War and Ease the Nuclear Nightmare.
sounds good. one problem. we didn't sell our nukes to people who might actually use them, the other guys did. not to mention pakistan, north korea, india, and iran. tell them to stop. good luck. kim jong il would rather michael berg you than listen to reason and not launch or threaten to.
6. Renounce Star Wars and the Militarization of Space.
not likely to happen. think of it this way. america is now one of four players up in the heavens. china, russia and the EU are up there too. it goes back to the 'make them stop' argument, as once again, america is guilty, BUT WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES! if all respective nations pooled their resources and knowledge, we might be able to make something of your idea. but i don't see that happening anytime soon.
7. Make Globalization Work for, not against, Working People.
heh. your rule #1 automatically negates this, as you now know we just can't save everyone. is it unreasonable to accept that not everyone will abide by the same rules? globalization has gotten as far it can go at this time. your ideals are bordering on marxism, which isn't inherently evil, but the rules can not be applied with such a broad brush. if the citizens on planet earth can't even agree on one belief system with their 'spirit', how in the heck are we supposed to enforce this in the tangible realm? welfare of the people > corporate patents and profits huh? sounds good. i would like to see it, but stagnation leads to extinction, and this life evolves too much to have this happen.
8. Ensure Equal Treatment Under Law for All.
in america, we have a law like this. so you're calling for additions, addendum's and strict enforcement of this. i for one don't like being told how to live, and reject this vigorous enforcement, as you will find too much emphasis will be placed on feelings. if i hurt someone else's feelings, then they can what turn me in? then that hurts my feelings. so where are we at now? leave the 'equal protection' as is and just hope that people will get along. you don't get that to enforce something means that there is a problem, and enforcement isn't always the best way to deal with something. example: many counties have passed laws basically unenforcing the ban on growing the cannabis sativa plant or sensamilla variety for loosely defined 'medicinal' use. yet the federal law is still in place outright making it illegal. so if the DEA raids your plants, you're screwed. if the town sheriff notices them, it will not be enforced the same way. see the credibility gap here? there is no equal treatment. it means something on paper, but does not hold up in practice.
9. Get Money out of Politics.
why not just say no more politics. that's a better and also unrealistic solution. all your beliefs are inclusive not divisive. politics is by definition divisive. do away with them completely, who needs politics when we're out sharing our wealth and making sure everyone is totally equal, right? how then are candidates supposed to get themselves known? it takes money to spread information. you pay every month for your bandwidth to read this email, so right there you are putting money into politics. see? it can't be done.
10. Close the Gap between Rich and Poor Kids at Home.
this is the same as #8. you preach equality. it's a great message and i'm not slamming that. i just don't believe that the 'average' american has the resolve to adhere to your proposal. even if they say they are for all these things, and these are great wonderful things, they simply do not scale. you have to please understand this.
people can endorse something all they want, but it's not going to make it so. i appreciate the blind effort you are presenting, but i will tell you this. i do not have the resolve personally to adhere to these ideas. one thing you know is that you are much better off than 98% of the world. what makes you think that even if you spent all your fortune to promote these virtues that it will make a global difference. i hope you can and do prove me wrong. based upon my knowledge of macro evolutionary human behavior patterns, this is nothing more than another attempt to change the world. all other previous attempts have failed, just for the record.
enjoy your cause, while you still can
and change the link. some dumb housewife is gonna flip when she sees:
principlesex!? omfg someone call the FCC! someone really dropped the ball on that url crafting.
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