
gmail address. another triumph of the internet! well, a little one.

1 free GB of storage? nice.

will it be used for anything more than dumb anonymous blogging crap? no.

why? well you see there is this thing called archiving, and your personal data may still be resident on server 31 in cabinet 42, row 5, after you delete your message [send to trash, whatever]. and i'm just not too keen on having my personal effects on a machine after i tell it not to be there.

so why did i even bother to sign up? one word, linux. google consists of a big linux cluster and that is good. rather than choose the ungodly expensive solaris / oracle solutions, they home grew their own software technology upon a linux foundation, and for that i commend them. google is far more than a search engine. it's a 1 with one hundred zeros after it. and an IPO that everyone is going ape over.

i saw the nightline that was allegedly so controversial. it wasn't. because i support the 'illegal war' action in afghanistan and iraq, this was a tribute and a recognition of the sacrifice these men and women made for OUR WAY OF LIFE. and believe it or not, there are actually modern thinking muslims in iraq today who think the same way about our efforts!
